
时间:2023-05-18 14:20:20 | 作者:admin
海岬型船运价指数(BCI)构成航线说明 汉普敦-鹿特丹:1 port Hampton Roads excluding Baltimore/Rotterdam 110,000 metric tones 10 per cent coal free in and out and trimmed 35,000 tonnes, Sundays holiday included loading/25,000 tonnes Sundays holidays included discharge. Laydays 10 days forward from date of index, cancelling maximum 30 days forward from date of index. 3.75 per cent total commission. Nominal Weighting=5%   图巴朗-鹿特丹:Tubarao/Rotterdam 150,000 long tons 10 per cent iron ore free in and out, 6 days Sundays holidays included. Laydays 15 days forward from date of index, cancelling maximum 30 days forward from date of index. 3.75 per cent total commission. Nominal Weighting=10%   图巴朗-北仑+宝山:Tubarao/Beilun and Baoshan, 140,000 mt 10 per cent iron ore free in and out, 18m swad, scale load/30,000 mt shinc discharge. Laydays 25 days forward from date of index, cancelling maximum 40 days forward from date of index. 3.75 per cent total commission. Nominal Weighting=10%   理查德湾-鹿特丹:Richards Bay/Rotterdam 140,000 mt 10 per cent coal free in and out and trimmed, scale load/40,000 mt shinc discharge. Laydays 25 days forward from date of index, cancelling 40 days forward from date of index. 3.75 per cent total commission. Nominal Weighting=5%   澳西-北仑:W Australia/Beilun-Baoshan, 150,000 mt 10 per cent iron ore free in and out, 18m swad, scale load/30,000 shinc discharge, 6 hours turn time at loading port and 24 hours at each discharge port. Laydays 20 days forward from date of index, cancelling max. 35 days forward from date of index. Vessel
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