
时间:2023-05-18 14:12:43 | 作者:admin
就重量不足索赔 就重量不足索赔 2001-8-15 20:21:39 20 May 2000 Kee & Co., Ltd 34 Regent Street London, UK Dear Sirs: We refer to sales contract no.564 covering the purchase of 200 metric tons of white cement. We telexed you on 17 May informing you that the consignment arrived on 20 April. On inspection, we found that 180 bags had burst and that the contents, estimated at 9000 kg, had been irretrievably lost. We proceeded to have a survey report made. The report has now confirmed our initial findings. The report indicates that the loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you, the suppliers, are responsible. On the strength of the survey report, we hereby register our claim against you as follows: Short delivered quantity GB£180 Survey charges GB£50 Total claimed GB£230 We enclose survey report no.TS6478 and look forward to early settlement of the claim. Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Buyer ——————————————————————————– ――先生: 第546号销售合约的200公吨白水泥,已于四月二十日运抵本公司,并已于五月十七日传真告知有关事宜。 检查货物时,发现有180袋破损,估计损失9000公斤白水泥。其后安排进行检验,有关报告与估计的损失相符。该报告指出是次损失是由于包装袋不合标准引致,故应由贵公司负责该等损失。 现按照报告结果向贵公司索偿:  损失白水泥180英镑  检验费50英镑 ——————————–  合计230英镑 随函附上第TS6478号检验报告,烦请早日解决赔偿事宜。 采购部主任 托尼.斯密思谨上 2000年5月20日
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