
时间:2023-05-18 14:09:02 | 作者:admin
催促装运安排 催促装运安排 2001-8-15 20:21:41 20 May 2000 Kee & Co., Ltd 34 Regent Street London, UK Dear Sirs: We refer to the contract no. 4632 covering 500 dozen track suits. We wish to remind you that we have had no news from you about shipment of the goods. As we mentioned in our last letter, we are in urgent need of the goods and we may be compelled to seek an alternative source of supply. Under the circumstances, it is not possible for us to extend further our letter of credit no. 1492, which expires on 21 August. Please understand how serious and urgent it is for us to resolve this matter. We look forward to receiving your shipping advice, by fax, within the next seven days. Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Buyer ——————————————————————————– ――先生: 有关第4632号合同订购500打运动服事宜,至今尚未收到贵公司运货通知。   上次已去信贵公司,表示急需此批货物。如贵公司未能供应此货,本公司或需寻求其他货源。   因此,在八月二十一日到期的第1492号信用证无法再作延期。还望贵公司体察,尽快解决此迫切而严重的问题。   烦请于七天内传真贵公司的装运通知。 采购部主任 托尼.斯密思谨上 2000年5月20日
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