
时间:2023-05-18 14:31:52 | 作者:admin
常见的海运术语表 常见的海运术语表 Original B/L 正本提单 Copy B/L 副本提单 Shipped on Board B/L 已装船提单 MT B/L Multimode Transport B/L 多式联运提单 Clean B/L 清洁提单 House Bill of Lading 货运提单 MB/L Master Bill of Lading 船东提单 W/T Weight Ton 重量吨(货物收费以重量计费) M/T Measurement Ton 尺码吨(货物收费以尺码计费) ETD Estimated time of departure 预计开船时间 ETA Estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间 O/F Ocean Freight 海运费 BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor 燃油附加费 ORC Origin Receiving Charge 码头附加费 DDC Destination Delivery Charge 目的港码头附加费(美国) PSS Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加费 GRI General Rate Increase 综合费率上涨附加费 THC Terminal Handling Charge 码头处理费 CAF Currency Adjustment Factor 货币贬值附加费 DOC Document Charge 文件费 Suez Canal Surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费 Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费
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