货运词汇 -2

时间:2023-12-26 07:00:01 | 作者:admin
FIO Free in and out 租船人承担装 /卸货费
FIOS Free in and out and stowed 租船人承担装货、卸货和堆装费
FIOST Free in and out and stowed and trimmed 租船人承担装货、卸货、
FIOT Free in and out and trimmed 租船人承担装货、卸货和平舱费
E.& O.E. errors and omissions excepted 错误和遗漏不在此限
DEI Electronic data interchange 电子数据交换
EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration,Commerce and Transport 行政管理,商业和运输业的电子
EDP electronic data processing 电子数据处理
e.g. for example 例如
EIR equipment interchange receipt (containers) 设备交接单(集装箱)
encl. Enclosure 附件
ERLOAD Expected ready to load 预计准备装货
ETA expected time of arrival 预计到达时间
ETB Expected time of berth 预计靠泊时间
ETCD Expected time of completion of discharge 预计卸货完成时间
ETD expected time of departure 预计离开时间
ETR Expected time of redelivery 预计还船时间
ETS expected time of sailing 预计开航时间
excl. excluding 扣除
EXW Ex works (Incoterms) 工厂交货
DOSP Dropping outward sea pilot 出港海区引航员下船
D/P documents against payment 付款交单
DPP Dirty Petroleum products 不洁石油产品
DSTN Destination 目的地(港)
DT Deep tank 深舱
DTG Distance to go 还要行使的距离
DTLS Details 细节
DWCC dead weight cargo capacity 货物载重量
DWT dead weight ton 载重吨
D/A documents against acceptance 承兑交单
DAF Delivered at frontier (Incoterms) 边境交货 (国际贸易术语解释通则 )
DAP documents against payment 付款交单
D.A.S. delivered alongside ship 船边提货
DBE(W)ATS Dispatch payable both ends on (working )all time
saved 支付两港所有节省(工作)的速遣费
DCAS Distribution Cost Anglysis System 费用分布分析系统
D.CL Detention Clause 滞留条款
D/CL. Deviation Clause 绕航条款
D/D Dry docking 进干船坞
DDO Dispatch discharging only 卸货港速遣
DDP Delivered duty paid (Incoterms) 完税后交货 (国际贸易术语解释通
DDU Delivered duty unpaid (Incoterms) 未完税交货(国际贸易术语解释
DELY Delivery 交付
DEM Demurrage 滞期(费)
DEP Departure 离开,开航
DES Delivered ex ship (Incoterms) 目的港船上交货(国际贸易术语解释
DEQ Delivered ex quay (duty paid) (Incoterms)
DEV Deviation 绕航
DF Dead Freight 空舱费
DFP duty-free port 免税港
DHD Dispatch half demurrage 速遣费是滞期费的一半
Dia Diameter 直径
DISCH Discharge 卸货
DISPORT Discharge port 卸货港
dir. Direct 直接的
DLOSP Dropping last outward sea pilot 最后出港海区引航员下船
dm3 cubic decimeter(s) 立方分米
DO Diesel oil 柴油
DOCIMEL Document CIM Electronique (Electronic CIM document)
D/O delivery order 提货单
DOP Dropping outward pilot 出港引航员下船
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