
时间:2023-05-19 14:56:45 | 作者:admin
运输常用语 1.There is great room for logistics development in China.   在中国,物流发展有巨大的空间。   2.I wish to make logistics my lifetime career.   我愿把物流作为我的终生事业。   3.ABC classification is quite useful in inventory control.   ABC分类管理在库存控制方面十分有用。   4.The JIT production system was developed by the Toyota Motor Company about 50 years ago.   准时制生产是大约50年前由丰田汽车公司开发出来。 5.Just-in-time (JIT) techniques are sometimes referred to as just-in-time production,just-in-time purchasing and just-in-time delivery.   准时制技术有时称为准时制生产、准时制采购和准时制交付。   6.The key to JIT operations is that the demand for components and materials depends on the finalized production schedule.   准时制作业的关键是对配件和物料的需求根据最终生产进度来决定。   7.There are five basic modes of transportation. They are water transport, rail transport, truck transport, air transport and pipeline transport.   基本运输方式有五种,他们是水陆运输、铁路运输、汽车运输、航空运输和管道运输。   8.Transportation is a vital component in the design and management of logistics systems.   运输是物流系统设计和管理中至关重要的组成部分。   9.If you keep an overstock of the inventory, expenses will incur not only in warehousing, but also in many other aspects, such as the capital cost and interest accruing to it, taxes, insurance and obsolescence cost.   如果过量库存,不仅会造成仓库费用而且在很多方面会产生费用,如资产成本和它所产生的利息,以及税收、保险和商品变成陈旧物的成本。   10.Packing can be divided into industrial packaging and consumer packaging.   包装可以分成工业包装和消费包装两种。
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